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Wer kennt sie nicht, die wortwörtlichen Übersetzungen vom Deutschen ins Englische? Denglisch kommt raus.
Again what learned - wieder was gelernt :-)

weitere Oversettlements (Übersetzungen)
weitere Oversettlements (Übersetzungen)
underlookingship you lazy sock! to look over the own dish border look shut that you win country it's yet not all days evening he has it fistplump behind the ears I get a hair dryer that goes you a wet brushing on come in the corridors feel somebody on the tooth you have not more all cups in the board are you still to rescue? this is hammer hard you are heavy on wire tattle aunt I think my pig pipes skin off! that comes overhead not in question country hunter that is not close fullpermanently to come out of the curd

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